Dr. Fred Aguayo is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Construction Management (CM) and an Adjunct Assistant Professor with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE). Dr. Aguayo is the Director of the Construction Methods and Concrete Materials Laboratory in the Center for Education and Research in Construction (CERC). Prior to joining UW in September 2021, he was an Assistant Professor at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX where he taught and performed research in the areas of concrete materials, durability, and sustainable infrastructure construction. He received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2016.
Dr. Aguayo is interested in research applications that contribute to facilitating the implementation of sustainable and novel cement-based systems in infrastructure and building applications such as alternative cement binders, supplementary cementing materials (SCMs), recycled aggregates, and high performing concretes. His research group focuses on evaluating and characterizing deterioration processes in new and existing cementitious materials, while also developing test methods to predict and enhance their performance and durability in the field. He primarily examines durability-related issues in cement-based materials such as corrosion, carbonation, ASR, sulfate attack, and early-age volume changes.
Dr. Aguayo is a well-established researcher with over 13 years of experience and over $1.2M in funded research projects as either PI or Co-PI since 2016. His work has been supported by both private industry and public agencies including LarfargeHolcim, Texas DOT, Minnesota DOT, New Mexico DOT, National Research Road Alliance (NRRA), and the Portland Cement Association (PCA). He is an active member of the American Concrete Institute and ASTM International and participates in several committees related to concrete durability (ACI 201) and material science of cementitious systems (ACI 236).
Construction Methods and Concrete Materials Laboratory
Large-Scale Structural Engineering Testing Laboratory