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CM Transfer Students Receive Andrew Eker and Mary Hughes Endowed Scholarship

Transfer students in the UW Construction Management program are automatically considered for the need-based Andrew Eker and Mary Hughes Endowed Scholarship. When the e-mail arrives that they’ve been granted the scholarship, they may have to double check that it’s real! Donors Andrew Eker and Mary Hughes are familiar with the heavy lift transfer students face starting at UW; Andrew was a transfer student to the program before he earned a BS in Building Construction. Although they are now based in Alaska,…

Husky 100: Ari Lazowski

Ari Lazowski, B.S. Construction Management; B.S. Real Estate Class of 2023 “People don’t always associate construction and compassion– but my path at UW has been built on both. Construction is the possibility of new worlds, those worlds are more promising through ripples of kindness, perseverance, and community. I believe UW has strengthened my faith in all of these, guiding my path forward.”

Don’t take concrete for granite: the secret research life of CBE Department of Construction Management Assistant Professor and concrete materials researcher Fred Aguayo

Concrete can sequester carbon, and the cement that glues its components together has been used since antiquity. Now, CBE professor Fred Aguayo is introducing students to the complex world of concrete research. Learn more in this research spotlight.