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Research Labs, Output and Resources

More information on our work in each of these areas is accessible through the CBE Research Portal or on the CERC website.

CM faculty research covers a broad array of topics.  The research channels below briefly describe their related output.


Research Labs

Communication, Technology & Organizational Practices (CTOP) Lab

The CTOP lab focuses on how teams of people work together with and through technology.

Energy & Sustainability in Construction (ESC) Lab

The ESC lab promotes energy efficiency and sustainability (EES) through sustainable design.

Lean Construction Research (LCR) Lab

The LCR Lab develops methods for project-based production systems using lean principles and philosophies.

Project Delivery & Management (PDM) Lab

The PDM Lab develops processes and practices necessary in the delivery of the built environment project.

Safety & Health Advancement through Research + Education (SHARE) Lab

The SHARE lab promotes safety and health through evidenced-based research.

Recent Posts

  • Mix Masters: At a UW lab, students are testing ways to give concrete a solid future.

    March 5, 2024

    Nestled in a former airplane hangar in the sprawling former Navy base at Magnuson Park, construction and engineering students from the University of Washington stress-test recipes for concrete—one of the world’s most used substances. Made with a combination of cement, water and aggregates, some type of concrete has been produced by every civilization since the…

  • Prof. Chris Lee on Public/Private Partnerships: Charging toward a zero-emission transit fleet

    January 2, 2024

    Conversion of bus base facilities, the heart of transit operations, for electric vehicle charging is a large-scale project with many players and complex needs. One option for transit agencies working to shift to a zero-emission fleet is a public-private partnership model (P3), which defers upfront capital construction costs and has the potential to help agencies…

  • CM Welcomes Dr. Amos Darko

    May 24, 2023

    In pursuit of our vision for a more just and beautiful world, the College of Built Environments continues to implement an important part of our strategic framework: growing our capacity for collaborative interdisciplinary work with the goal of advancing climate solutions. Dr. Amos Darko We are excited to announce that Dr. Amos Darko has joined…

  • Emergent Subcontracting Models in the US Construction Industry

    September 30, 2022

    Department Logo

    Abstract: Prime contracting models for engineering and construction projects are described extensively in the literature, but models between prime contractors and subcontractors are less well known. This study examined the established and evolving subcontracting models in the US construction industry to not only document their utilization but also investigate their advantages and disadvantages when employed.…

  • Prevention though Design (PtD) for MEP Worker Safety

    October 29, 2021

    Prevention Through Design for Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing Worker Safety

    The Prevention through Design (PtD) concept will improve worker safety, as applicable to Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) design and construction.